Week 7 Term 2
Dear Families,
What a wonderful short week we have had! There has been some amazing learning and effort happening in all classrooms. I was lucky enough to take some time today to visit classrooms.
We had the pleasure of the Catholic Schools Office Media & Communications people visiting our school to do some filming and photos on Thursday. It was a joy to show them through our beautiful school and explain to them why it is so unique:
- We have a committed and professional staff who strive to give our students the best possible learning and life experiences.
- We have amazing students who joyfully teach us, and each other on a daily basis about the most positive and best way to live and care for each other.
- We are well accompanied on the learning and teaching journey by a supportive family community.
- We strive to be Catholic in word, action and service.
- We offer opportunities such as after school Lego Club, STEM lunch activities, and Library lunches during normal times.
- We promote student leadership skills through the positions of School Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains, Mini Vinnies Teams, Student Representative Council Leaders and Events Management Leaders.
- We reach out, serve and help others through Mini Vinnies and the Student Representative Council.
- We work to ensure the wellbeing of our students through our school values and expectations and by having a Social Emotional Learning Teacher, and a Counsellor available.
- We are lucky enough to have wonderful flexible learning spaces and amazing playground facilities.
I must add, for these reasons and many more, our visitors were very impressed with our school.
We are beginning to receive enrolments for Kindergarten 2021. A reminder to our current families who would like to enrol siblings for next year, we are enrolling students now. You can collect your enrolment pack from the office or the enrolment form is available on our website. Thank you to those parents who have started the process. Our situation is a little different this year due to COVID 19; we will not be able to hold our Kindergarten Open Night until Term 3. We will let you know the date as soon as the restrictions on gatherings have been lifted. In the meantime, please make sure that you spread the word to friends and relatives who are looking to start their child in Kindergarten in 2021.
I just wanted to highlight a couple of points from our School Parent Handbook. that are causing a few issues currently at school :
TOYS: Toys are not permitted at school unless they are part of a child’s Show and Tell/News session. They will be kept in the classroom.
Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones or devices to school at any time. If there was a serious reason for your child to need to bring a phone (eg for after school use) please write a note explaining this and the phone can be kept in the office during the day.
Thank you for your assistance with these matters.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday Gospel Reading –12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Matthew 10: 26-33
Jesus assures the Twelve that God cares about them In the Gospel reading this weekend, the disciples of Jesus are called upon to keep their focus on God. Jesus reassures his disciples that God knows and cares about what happens to his children. We might not face the same type of persecution as the early Christians, but we do experience difficulties as we endeavour to live a Christian life. Sometimes we may let the opinions of others prevent us from doing what we know to be right. We need the reminder that what God thinks about us is more important. We are reassured by the promise that God cares for us and protects us.
Many of us are missing the opportunity to attend a weekend Mass and church service, and this can feel like such a loss during these challenging times.. Being separated from the sacraments, and the community may cause us sadness and the sense of isolation. For me being able to be present with our Bishop Greg at the Carmelite Monastry at 8am on a Sunday morning has proven to be a real blessing, and has also given me some comfort and peace. Our Bishop Greg acknowledges that those people viewing may not receive sacramentally but they do receive the presence of Jesus spiritually into their hearts. We are truly blessed to have such a pastoral and compassionate Bishop.
The link to this live stream is below
Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal
Each year, Vinnies provides shelter, food, clothing, financial support, friendship and care for tens of thousands of people in NSW. Since the coronavirus outbreak, their volunteers and staff have worked tirelessly and creatively to keep our doors open at a time of increasing need. Now, more than ever is the time for us to come together to support those experiencing hardship. By supporting the Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal, it will make a difference for people whose lives have been turned upside down. Students, teachers and parents can contribute in several ways: by raising money, donating material goods, or by performing simple acts of kindness.
Without You - Wildfire
Without You was written by Wildfire as a heartfelt and honest response to who Jesus is in our life. It is simply a love song written from a place of enduring gratitude and unshakable hope. 'Without You' reminds us that we are always held by love as our world experiences both the beauty of light and, at times, disorienting darkness. It is our sincere hope that Without You will draw you into an experience of that of love. Press control and click to view tie video and listen to this beautiful song.
TERM 2 - WEEK 8 Monday, 13th June No Canteen Tuesday, 14th June Sports Uniform Return library books Wednesday, 15th June No Canteen Library Thursday, 16th June Sports Uniform |
TERM 2 - WEEK 9 Monday, 20th June No Canteen Tuesday, 21st June Sports Uniform Return Library books Wednesday, 22nd June No Canteen Library Thursday, 23rd June Sports Uniform |
Family Connect Service Sometimes families need a helping hand, especially in these challenging times. St Joseph’s Primary School is pleased to announce that we are introducing the Family Connect Service to our school. Wendy Jansen is our new Family Connect worker who will be able to help any of our school families get the support they need. If you or anyone in your family would like assistance with:
Contact Wendy by phone: 0437 179 916 or email: wendy.jansen@socialfutures.org.au |