Week 8 Term 2
Dear Families,
Life continues in the new normal at St Joseph's.
- The children are greeted every morning with a "Good morning Squirt" of hand sanitiser.
- Students are dropped off and picked up from the 'Kiss and Drop' area only.
- Parents are continuing to help by abiding with the new normal of not coming on to the school premises except the front office.
- Our bubblers are still not to be used and therefore the children require a water bottle.
- Our stringent hygiene practices continue with: the washing of hands regularly; sanitiser after eating, no food or drinks to be shared; coughing and sneezing into elbows, tissues discarded immediately, cleaning of the desks between lunch and recess breaks and extra cleaning of the school by our cleaners.
- There are no school assemblies at this stage.
- No canteen for the rest of Term 2.
- Excursions and camps will not be going ahead at this stage.
The children adapted immediately to the changes and have continued in to cope with our new ways in a sensible and caring manner.
I thank you, parents, for your understanding and patience, particularly in the areas of not coming into the school and the pick up of an afternoon.

It is paramount in these times, in particular, that any child who is unwell is kept at home. We appreciate your understanding and consideration for the safety of the other students and the staff.
Kiss and Drop
The turning circle out the front of the school is used for a “Kiss and Drop” area before school and during parent pick up each afternoon. It is essential that traffic moves safely and smoothly through this area so we have some clear regulations around the use of this.
- This is a NO PARKING area during 8:00-9:30 am and 2:30-4:00 pm. Please do not leave your vehicle during these times.
- Please always drive as far around the circle as you can before stopping to collect your child. This allows all cars to move smoothly.
- For the safety of our students, this is only to be used if your child can get themselves into their car seat, and their seatbelt on by themselves. Parents should not leave their car during this time.
- If you are unable to safely use the Kiss and Drop with your child, please park in the designated parking bays opposite the church and walk around to the front of the school to collect your child safely.
Staff Development Days 2020
Just a reminder that our next Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day) will be on Friday 3 July (the last day of Term 2) for Staff Spirituality. Also Monday 20 July (first day of Term 3) there will be a Staff Development day on Writing: Connection between reading, writing and oral language.
Kindergarten 2021
I am starting the Kindergarten 2021 interviews next week for the enrolments that we have received. A reminder to our current families who would like to enrol siblings for next year, we are enrolling students now. You can collect your enrolment pack from the office or the enrolment form is available on our website. Thank you to those parents who have started the process. Our situation is a little different this year due to COVID 19; we will not be able to hold our Kindergarten Open Night until Term 3. We will let you know the date as soon as the restrictions on gatherings have been lifted. In the meantime, please make sure that you spread the word to friends and relatives who are looking to start their child in Kindergarten in 2021.
Sunday Gospel Reading: –12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Matthew 10: 26-33
Jesus says do not be afraid to proclaim the Gospel By living our lives demonstrating forgiveness, compassion, faithfulness, self-control, peacefulness, gentleness, prayerfulness and love - when we do this we are proclaiming the Gospel.
The prayer chants a mantra -MARANATHA that comes from the ancient language of Aramaic which was the language Jesus spoke - it translates as COME LORD JESUS
Bishop Greg has encouraged the practice of Christian Meditation in Catholic schools within the Lismore Diocese. Meditation in the Christian tradition is often called the prayer of the heart. Students of all ages embrace this form
of prayer, it is the teaching of stillness and silence within each person. There are many benefits of
Christian meditation. It’s a wonderful way to renew your mind, quiet your soul and be refreshed and inspired by the presence of God.
Evidence from within our schools and another Australian diocese’ is demonstrating that Christian Meditation is proven to:
- make children calmer and more relaxed
- help create a sense of wonder in children
- help create a sense of God in those who meditate
- help create a sense of community where each person is reverenced
- allow children a chance to be silent and experience God’s presence
- develops in children a greater ability to learn and maintain attention
Over time, with regular practice, meditation changes us. The changes that take place can best be described as in St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22)
In the Link below Bishop Greg and local secondary students explain the importance, relevance and benefits of Christian mediation in our contemporary world.
School Mass - Thursday 2nd July at 9:30am
Father Michael will celebrate Mass with Stage 2 and 3 students on Thursday 2nd July at 9:30 am. The theme of the Mass will be celebrating the Gifts of the Spirit, with a special focus on courage and being brave when needed.

St Joseph's Coraki Parish Bulletin
Father Michael has been updating the St Joseph's Coraki
Parish Website and Parish Bulletin. You are now able to access this and other important Parish information by clicking on the link below.
Mini Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal- COMFORT PACKS
Each year, Vinnies provides shelter, food, clothing, financial support, friendship and care for tens of thousands of people in NSW. Since the coronavirus outbreak, their volunteers and staff have worked tirelessly and creatively to keep their doors open at a time of increasing need. Now, more than ever is the time for us to come together to support those experiencing hardship. By supporting the Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal, it will make a difference for people whose lives have been turned upside down. Students, teachers and parents can contribute in several ways: by raising money, donating material goods, or by performing simple acts of kindness.
Our Mini Vinnies will be collecting toiletry items such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sunscreen, face washes, shampoo etc to create comfort packs for the needy in our community. Donations of items for our comfort packs will be welcome.
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
RZ Cross Country -Venue tbc
All day |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Family Connect Service
Sometimes families need a helping hand, especially in these challenging times.
St Joseph’s Primary School is pleased to announce that we are introducing the Family Connect Service to our school. Wendy Jansen is our new Family Connect worker who will be able to help any of our school families get the support they need. If you or anyone in your family would like assistance with:
- Parenting challenges
- Accessing housing support
- Accessing welfare supports
- Accessing counselling services
- Linking to domestic violence supports
- Finding culturally appropriate support
Contact Wendy by phone: 0437 179 916 or email: wendy.jansen@socialfutures.org.au