Week 9 Term 2
Dear Families,
This week I have had the opportunity to spend some time with our Kindergarten students for 2021 and their parents during their interviews. During COVID 19 times the interviews have to be after school and all restrictions adhered to. It has still been a joy to have one on one conversations with our pre-schoolers. I love their enthusiasm, excitement and initial understandings of all that big school holds. It provides a wonderful opportunity to talk to both our current and new parents. I am particularly interested to hear why people chose St Joseph's for their child.
From those responses, we again have the opportunity to get a snapshot of our school from the outside looking in. We get to know how some of the community feels about the teaching and learning; the inclusiveness; the values; the community and the Catholic ethos that permeates all. We continue to strive on a daily basis to make St Joseph's the best school it can be, and in that process, we always welcome and value your input.
An interesting Parenting Guide for Starting School, and other Parent and Caregiver Resources is provided by the Gonski Institute for Education this week:
Semester 1 Reports
The report for Semester 1 this year is an adjusted report based on the teaching and learning undertaken over this disrupted period of schooling due to Covid-19. The report focuses on the fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding in English and Mathematics. While rich learning has taken place in the other areas of the curriculum, the school has focused on individual student learning achievement and growth that will guide future learning in these two core areas of the curriculum.
Learning conversations during the semester have been ongoing and have been an important component of the informal reporting to parents. Please contact your child’s teacher if you require further information at this time.
The reports for Semester 1 will be sent home on Friday Week 2 Term 3.
It is paramount in these times, in particular, that any child who is unwell is kept at home. We appreciate your understanding and consideration for the safety of the other students and the staff.
Bullying No Way!
Staff Development Days 2020
Just a reminder that our next Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day) will be on Friday 3 July (the last day of Term 2) for Staff Spirituality.
Monday 20 July (first day of Term 3) there will be a Staff Development day on Writing: Connection between reading, writing and oral language.
We thank you for your support and understanding of the importance of ongoing professional development for our staff.
Next week brings us to the last week for Term 2.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday Gospel Reading: 13th Sunday in Ordinary time
Matthew 10: 37-42
Jesus outlines the costs and rewards of discipleship
The Gospel this weekend reminds us that when confronted with difficulty in our lives we must choose to act in ways that show that we are disciples of Jesus. Forgiveness, kindness and courage heal relationships rather than undermine them.
Mini Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal- COMFORT PACKS
Each year, Vinnies provides shelter, food, clothing, financial support, friendship and care for tens of thousands of people in NSW. Since the coronavirus outbreak, their volunteers and staff have worked tirelessly and creatively to keep their doors open at a time of increasing need. Now, more than ever is the time for us to come together to support those experiencing hardship. By supporting the Vinnies COVID-19 Winter Appeal, it will make a difference for people whose lives have been turned upside down. Students, teachers and parents can contribute in several ways: by raising money, donating material goods, or by performing simple acts of kindness.
Our Mini Vinnies are collecting toiletry items such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sunscreen, face washes, shampoo etc to create comfort packs for the needy in our community. Donations of items for our comfort packs will be welcome.
Thank you for the contributions already sent to school. We appreciate your generosity!
Could all donations for the comfort packs please be sent to school before Thursday 2nd July.
School Mass - Thursday 2nd July at 9:30am
Father Michael will celebrate Mass with Stage 2 and 3 students on Thursday 2nd July at 9:30 am. The theme of the Mass will be celebrating the Gifts of the Spirit, with a special focus on courage and being brave when needed.

St Joseph's Coraki Parish Bulletin
Father Michael has been updating the St Joseph's Coraki
Parish Website and Parish Bulletin. You are now able to access this and other important Parish information by clicking on the link below.
FREE Virtual Tour of the VATICAN MUSEUM in Rome–
I have always wanted to travel to Rome and visit the Vatican, sadly however that has not been possible. Due to COVID 19 we now have an opportunity to experience the wonder of the Vatican Museums. I hope that you have an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful architecture and the incredible art collected by the Roman Catholic Church throughout the centuries. To view just click on the Link below.
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
RZ Cross Country -Venue tbc
All day |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |

Family Connect Service
Sometimes families need a helping hand, especially in these challenging times.
St Joseph’s Primary School is pleased to announce that we are introducing the Family Connect Service to our school. Wendy Jansen is our new Family Connect worker who will be able to help any of our school families get the support they need. If you or anyone in your family would like assistance with:
- Parenting challenges
- Accessing housing support
- Accessing welfare supports
- Accessing counselling services
- Linking to domestic violence supports
- Finding culturally appropriate support
Contact Wendy by phone: 0437 179 916 or email: wendy.jansen@socialfutures.org.au