Week 10 Term 2
Dear Families,
As this will be our last Newsletter for this term I would like to thank everyone who has supported our school throughout this very unusual Term 2. It has been a busy term despite the lack of our normal events and celebrations. Hopefully, we get to open up a little more during Term 3- fingers crossed.
- Thank you to the staff for your support to ensure that everything runs smoothly, and for giving your best at all times for our students learning and wellbeing, remotely and face to face.
- Special thanks to the children, who are the life and spirit of our school - their interest, enthusiasm, co-operation and happy manner make this school a joy, and welcoming place to be each day regardless of what is happening in our world.
- Finally to you, our parents, we thank you for your ongoing support, assistance, patience and understanding particularly during COVID times. You've done an amazing job. We couldn't do it without you walking beside us.

Thanks Fr Michael
It was wonderful to have the opportunity to attend our first student Mass again today. Stage 2 and 3 students attended a beautiful Pentecost Mass in a most reverent and calm way. Hopefully, we will have more opportunities in Term 3. Thank you, Fr Michael and Mrs Boyd.
Semester 1 Reports
Just a reminder that for this year the report for Semester 1 is an adjusted report because of blended learning.
Learning conversations during the semester have been ongoing and have been an important component of the informal reporting to parents. Please contact your child’s teacher if you require further information at this time.
The reports for Semester 1 will be sent home on Friday Week 2 Term 3.
COVID 19 Practices for Term 3
- Non-essential adults will still not be permitted to enter the school grounds. We ask that no parents enter the School past the front office. All inquiries to the front office, please.
- Pick up and drop off will continue out the front of the school.
- We have been advised to hold Parent Forum meetings via zoom. We will revisit this in Term 3 depending on the virus situation.
- We will resume our Canteen Week 2 Term 3, if we are able to get parent volunteers to assist. The Parent helpers will be advised of the mandatory hygiene practices at the front office. PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE ON 66822468 IF YOU ARE ABLE TO GO ON TO THE CANTEEN ROSTER FOR TERM 3.
- Masses and Liturgies will resume for the students with strict hygiene practices.
- It is paramount in these times, in particular, that any child who is unwell is kept at home. We appreciate your understanding and consideration for the safety of the other students and the staff.
- The children will be greeted every morning with a "Good morning Squirt" of hand sanitiser.
- Our bubblers will still not to be used and therefore the children require a water bottle.
- Our stringent hygiene practices will continue in Term 3 with: the washing of hands regularly; sanitiser after eating, no food or drinks to be shared; coughing and sneezing into elbows, tissues discarded immediately, cleaning of the desks between lunch and recess breaks and extra cleaning of the school by our cleaners.
Bullying No Way! Misuse of power in relationships.

Staff Development Days 2020
Just a reminder that our next Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day) will be tomorrow Friday 3 July (the last day of Term 2) for Staff Spirituality.
Monday 20 July (first day of Term 3) there will be a Staff Development day on Writing: Connection between reading, writing and oral language.
We thank you for your support and understanding of the importance of ongoing professional development for our staff.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday break.
We look forward to seeing you again in Term 3. School recommences Tuesday 21st July 2020.
Sunday Gospel Reading:14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Matthew 11: 25-30 Jesus prays with thanks to God.
In the Sunday Gospel this week, Jesus teaches an important lesson for families: that is from the youngest we can learn the most profound insights about love and God. Parents who are attentive to this reality can learn much from their children even as their children are learning from them. Families who create time and space for encounters with God will enrich the faith of all who share in family life. A prayerful walk along a beach, family gatherings, sharing a meal, celebrating the Sacraments as a family, are all opportunities for precious love encounters.
Our St Joseph's Woodburn students, parents and staff have generously responded to our Mini Vinnies comfort pack initiative. Our school community have donated toiletry items such as soap, hand sanitiser, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sunscreen, face washes, shampoo etc to create comfort packs for the needy in our local community.
Mini Vinnies Presidents Lacie Soward and Breanna Moss were delighted with how many items were donated and sent to school. They spent their lunchtime play assembling the packs. Each Comfort pack contains a special message designed by Breanna Moss.
Mr Paul Muldoon President of the Evans Head St Vincent de Paul has praised our mighty effort and was very appreciative of the impressive number, and the obvious quality of the comfort packs. These will be distributed to needy local people during the coming weeks.
Thank you to all for responding to the needs of others in such a compassionate and generous manner. The spirit of Jesus is certainly alive in our school family.
God Bless you all!

St Joseph's Coraki Parish Bulletin
Father Michael has been updating the St Joseph's Coraki
Parish Website and Parish Bulletin. You are now able to access this and other important Parish information by clicking on the link below.
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
RZ Cross Country -Venue tbc
All day |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |
Parish Mass- 5:30pm
All day Recurring event |

Family Connect Service
Sometimes families need a helping hand, especially in these challenging times.
St Joseph’s Primary School is pleased to announce that we are introducing the Family Connect Service to our school. Wendy Jansen is our new Family Connect worker who will be able to help any of our school families get the support they need. If you or anyone in your family would like assistance with:
- Parenting challenges
- Accessing housing support
- Accessing welfare supports
- Accessing counselling services
- Linking to domestic violence supports
- Finding culturally appropriate support
Contact Wendy by phone: 0437 179 916 or email: wendy.jansen@socialfutures.org.au